Ру O'z
18 November 2022 796


On November 12-13, 2022, MDIS Tashkent, in co-operation with the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Khokimiyat of the Bostanlyk district and TRZ Charvak, has successfully conducted a two-day advanced training in the field of tourism and hospitality for the participants from the Bostanlyk district. The main purpose of the courses was the formation of highly qualified personnel in the Bostanlyk district, training the students and improving the skills of tourism service management staff.
The innovative MDIS Tashkent training program was based on the teaching methods of the leading educational institutions in the field of tourism and hospitality of France and other countries with developed tourism sector. Courses have been conducted both by MDIS Tashkent foreign experts and local lecturers trained abroad in the leading universities of tourism and hospitality sphere.
On Day 1 MDIS Tashkent lecturers made their presentations on future trends in the service sector and the importance of the human factor in the hospitality and service industry, as well as promotion in tourism, digital and destination marketing, psychology of business communication and service quality management.
On Day 2 Bostanlyk college administration and students, as well as invited hotel managers visited MDIS Tashkent campus. Lectures and workshops were organized in the tourism and hospitality laboratories and computer classes. All participants of the courses have been awarded by the certificates. As the result of the project the College of Tourism and Hospitality of the Bostanlyk district has proposed to sign MoU with MDIS Tashkent to continue cooperation in these initiatives and activities.

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