Obtained the bachelor’s degree from the Tashkent Institute of Finance on Banking specialty. Graduated and obtained the Master’s degree from The University Utara Malaysia  MBA in Finance and the second Master’s degree from Tashkent Institute of Finance on International banking. Have several years of experience in Insurance (Interbank Insurance company IShONCH) and Banking (Iran Saderat Bank Tashkent) field. Have several years of teaching experience in Management Science, Business, and Finance fields on various levels. A fluent speaker of Russian, Uzbek, English. Currently working on individual research projects in fields of Islamic finance, Bank competition in Uzbekistan and Hydroponics. Working on developing the textbooks for local students. 


MBA in Finance

University Utara (Northern) Malaysia, Kedah,Sintok (Malaysia)

Master's degree in International Banking

Tashkent Institute of Finance, Tashkent (Uzbekistan)

Bachelor's degree in Banking

Tashkent Institute of Finance, Tashkent (Uzbekistan) 

AREAS OF TEACHING Financial markets and institutions, Business Finance, Corporate finance, Islamic Finance, Money, banking and finance, Strategic corporate finance.
AREAS OF RESEARCH Finance, Islamic finance, Macroeconomics,
HONOURS AND AWARDS Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies    2010

Completed the courses under the Joint Project of Texas A&M University U.S.A and Tashkent Financial Institute, held during  2006 – 2008 [two academic years in English]

Was awarded the degree of High Honor.

The Banking System in Japan. Was awarded Certificate with honor by Kazutaka Ogawa, Professor of Tashkent Financial Institute  Dispatched by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

International Financial Transactions. Tashkent, Uzbekistan was awarded Certificate with honor by Norimutso Muto, Banking Training adviser at regional Banking Training Center. 

CONFERENCES  “Problems of developing financial derivatives in Uzbekistan” presentation at the VIII- Annual Conference of Master degree students "Developing problems of finance, banking, tax, investment, security market in Uzbekistan", Tashkent Financial Institute. 

Assistant, State Joint – Stock Commercial Bank “ASAKABANK” Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 

Analyze credit data and financial statements to determine the degree of risk involved,

Generate financial ratios, using computer programs, to evaluate customers' financial status.

Perform other related duties as required and assigned. 

Assistant, Joint – Stock Commercial Bank “IPOTEKABANK” Tashkent  Uzbekistan, - Make and checks necessary calculations, file account records, submit documents, collect and fill up forms, deliver or collect payments from clients, etc.


1. Asrarov Shukhrat (2020) Should Central Banks Be Independent in implementing Monetary Policy?

2. Asrarov Shukhrat (2020) Вертикальное сельское хозяйство - сельское хозяйство будущего: решение большой проблемы.

3. Asrarov Shukhrat Merging banks in Uzbekistan. (Mohiyat)

4. Asrarov Shukhrat IMF and Uzbekistan. (Moliyachi)

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