
Men Malayziya Halqaro Islom Universitetining matematika fakultetida (hisoblash va nazariy fan) fanlari doktori ilmiy darajasini olganman va O'zbekiston Milliy universitetining matematika (algebra, matematik mantiq va sonlar nazariyasi) bo'yicha bakalavr va magistr darajalarini tugatganman. Hozirgi vaqtga qadar oltita maqola nashr qildim. Ingliz, malay va rus tillarini bilaman. To'qqiz yillik ish tajribasiga egaman. Toshkentdagi Turin politexnika litseyida ikki yil matematika o'qituvchisi bo'lib ishlaganman. IIUMda o'qish davrida men uch yil davomida "Chiziqli algebra", "Differensial tenglamalar" va "Diskret matematika"dan dars berganman. Hozirda Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida katta o'qituvchiman hamda matematika va calculus, statistikaga va matematik modellash fanlaridan dars o’taman.


PhD - Hisoblash va nazariya fanlari

Malayziya xalqaro islom universiteti, Kuantan (Malayziya)


Matematik mantiq, algebra va nazariy sonlar magistri

O'zbekiston Milliy universiteti , Toshkent (O'zbekiston)


Matematika bo'yicha bakalavr darajasi

O'zbekiston Milliy universiteti , Toshkent (O'zbekiston)




Matematika, Diskret algebra, Chiziqli algebra, Differentsial tenglamalar, Statistika, Matematik modellash.


Algebralarning tasnifi.




  1. Bekbaev D.U. &Ganiev I.G., (2015), C*-algebras over Arens algebras, AIP Conference Proceedings 1660, 050051; (Scopus).
  2. Ganiev I.G., Mukhamedov F.&Bekbaev D. (2015), The strong zero-two law fot positive contractions of Banach-Kantorovich Lp-lattics., Turk J. Math. 39:583-594,(ISI).
  3. Bekbaev D.U. &Ganiev I.G., (2016), The Gelfand –Naimark Theorem for C*-algebras over Arens algebras. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 10(S) February: 205–218, (Scopus).
  4. Ganiev I., Mukhamedov F.&Bekbaev D., (2016), On a generalized uniform zero-two law for positive contractions of non-commutative L1-spaces. Journal of Physics: Conference series 697 (2016) 012003, (Scopus).
  5. Ganiev I., Mukhamedov F.&Bekbaev D., (2017), The zero-two law for positive contractions in the Orlicz-Kantorovich spaces. Journal of Physics: Conference series 819 (2017) 012016, (Scopus).
  6. Ganiev I., Mukhamedov F.&Bekbaev D., (2018), On a generalized uniform zero-two law for positive contractions of noncommutative L1-spaces and its vector-valued extensions. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 12(3), 600-616 (2018).
  7. Bekbaev D., Derivatives and automorphisms of two dimensional real algebras. (2021 processing)



  1. Bekbaev D.U. &Ganiev I.G., (2015), C*-algebras over Arens algebras. In: International conference on Mathematics, Engineering and Industrial applications 2014 (ICOMEIA 2014), 28-30 May,2014, Penang, Malaysia.
  2. Bekbaev D.U. &Ganiev I.G., (2016), The Gelfand –Naimar Theorem for C*-algebras over Arens algebras. In: The 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Applications in Engineering 2014 (ICMAE’14), 23-25 september 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  3. Ganiev I., Mukhamedov F.&Bekbaev D., (2016), On a generalized uniform zero-two law for positive contractions of non-commutative L1-spaces. Conference 10-12 September, 2015, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
  4. Ganiev I., Mukhamedov F.&Bekbaev D., (2016), The zero-two law for positive contractions in the Orlicz-Kantorovich spaces. The 37-th International Conference on Quantum Probability and related topics 2016 (QP37), 22-26 august 2016, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.
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